Finally! Something we can all agree on. Gas prices suck rn.
Politics aside, we think we are all in the same boat with this one (hopefully a wind or solar powered one). Gas prices are high, much like this week’s heat index, but to the relief of nannies everywhere the IRS just gave a breath of fresh, cool air. Beginning July 1st of this year, the IRS is pushing the standard mileage rate for business use to 62.5 cents per mile. It was previously at 58.5 cents per mile. This increase will be in effect through the end of year.
If you or your nanny/family assistant are using their own vehicle on the job, be sure to make note of the increase in your payroll system. It takes a village and shouldering these gas prices is the least we can do to support each other in these unprecedented times.
Written by: Kristin Sarmiento Geary (2022)
Edited by: Austin Macfarlane (2022)

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