What is a “Nanniversary” & how do I get one?
Don’t be shy–we know you love your nanny! However, as obvious as your love and appreciation for them may be to you, it isn’t always communicated to them in the day-to-day. This is exactly why your “nanniversary” is so important to recognize and celebrate. On this day 1, 5, 10 years ago, this amazing human being joined your family and your lives have been enriched (and way easier) ever since! Below are some ways to show love to your nanny on this special day and throughout the year. Not only will your nanny feel all the love and appreciation, it will also be a reminder for them that the huge amounts of heart and soul they pour into your family does not go unnoticed and is truly celebrated!
- A good way to make sure this special day doesn’t get lost or forgotten is to put it in the calendar on ALL your devices. Make it a recurring event and maybe even put an alarm for a week ahead to give you a reminder the date is coming up! Have a calendar hanging in the kitchen for the kids? Add it to that calendar as well so the whole family can get excited and celebrate together.
- Meaningful acts of appreciation look different for each family and nanny. Pick something that is special and meaningful to your relationship! Is your nanny a foodie that has been wanting to try out the newest restaurant you’ve been talking about? Give a gift card to that spot so they can have a special night out. Do they love plants and are the only reason the plants in your house are alive? Maybe a gift card to a local nursery or a unique plant in a pretty pot. Do they adore the candle that’s in your bathroom? Consider picking up an extra next time you’re out!
- The gift of time is always precious. If you know your nanny has a special evening planned after work or is heading out of town for the weekend, try letting them leave a bit early for the day if you’re able. Of course this can't always happen, but on the rare occasion that it can, your nanny will be thrilled to have a little extra time to get ready. The gift of a 30-minute early release can go a long way and your consideration of their life outside of your home will be felt even longer.
- Did your nanny share that they are going on a date somewhere special? Want to go for a big surprise everyone will love? One of our clients called the restaurant their nanny was dining in and covered the whole bill + sent over a nice bottle of bubbly for the table. Surprises like this are so thoughtful and go a long way. Restaurants are always thrilled to help with this!
- Spa time can be rejuvenating to the soul. Grab your nanny a massage at a nearby spa. Most spas allow you to spend the day enjoying the amenities- so an extra touch here would be also gifting your nanny some cash and/or a gift card so they can enjoy a whole day of relaxation and peace. For our Triangle clients, we recommend The Umstead Hotel and Spa!
- Take some time to write a thoughtful note. Share specifics about what you love about them and the impact they make on your lives and your kids’ lives. Try including the kids in this, too, by asking them if there’s something they’d like to share about why they love their nanny.
- Keep in touch with your nanny and stay in tune to their lives. We don’t mean you should be a super detective or anything invasive- but making a little time on a Monday morning to chat about the weekend or that project they’ve been working on can really make your nanny feel like they are more than just a service provider.
- “Thank you” for the win! Something really easy to do in your day-to-day is just say thank you. “Thanks for taking care of that laundry. I know we had a bunch this week!” “Thanks for being flexible. My schedule has been insane and I really appreciate your support.” “You’re the best! It was so helpful to have all of the groceries ready for the school donation.” Including the kids on this is also a great way to instill gratitude in them from the start. End each day with you and the kids thanking the nanny for a wonderful, wonderful day.
One sure way to not get to celebrate year after year with your nanny is to leave them feeling in the shadows and unappreciated. No one likes that, especially when their job is so very intimate and close to their heart. Be sure to take notice of your teammate and carve out time throughout the week to jot down a quick note, pick up their favorite morning treat, or verbally express a moment that day that was particularly meaningful or helpful. Be sure to check out our blog Como se dici... amore? How to say, show, & give love to your favorite nanny for more ideas on how to speak your nanny’s love language. We have no doubt it will be well-received. Acts of kindness don’t always have to be monetary (though it’s always nice). There are endless ways to make sure your nanny knows how much they mean to you, not only on their nanniversary, but throughout the week. Congratulations on your upcoming nanniversary and may you have many more to come!
Written by: Kristin Sarmiento Geary (2022)
Edited by: Austin Macfarlane (2022)

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